My Accredited courses have not been transferred to my NESA account?

A: Log a support ticket with the MyPL Helpdesk, selecting 'NESA course transfer' as the Subject of your ticket. Please be specific with the courses that require transfer.

Does MYPL only transfer Accredited courses to NESA? 

Yes. MyPL transfers all Accredited courses that are in a ‘completed’ state. It is the responsibility of each teacher maintaining accreditation to keep an offline record of their Elective PD. Please see the website below for more details on Elective PD.


How do I cancel/ delete my enrolment?

Not all courses allow you to withdraw your enrolment. If available go to ‘My Learning’ and then click on the course tile. If available, there will be a ‘Withdraw’ button in the top right hand corner of the screen.

If not available, log a support ticket for assistance

What happens if I can no longer attend a session that has a cost associated with it?

There are costs associated with a number of courses delivered on MyPL. If you can no longer attend a session that has a cost associated with it, please contact the session facilitator as soon as possible to advise.

How do I delete an attendee enrolment if I am the session support officer?

Log a support ticket in the MyPL Helpdesk. One of the friendly support personnel can action this for you.


Can I enrol staff that are not on my school list?

No. You cannot add staff that are outside the scope of your own work location.

Best practice is for staff to enrol themselves into sessions of professional development and for session facilitators to schedule sessions with enough lead time for this to occur.



Can I add participants to the attendees list once the session has started or finished

Yes, as long as the staff are in the same scope (work location) as you. You cannot add staff that are outside the scope of your own work location.

If you need to add participants outside the scope of your work location, log a support ticket selecting 'Enrolment' as the Subject of your ticket.

How do I add Elective PD to my NESA account?

Login to your NESA account
Expand the "Maintenance of Accreditation" link in the left menu, click “Elective PD”

  • On the “Elective Professional Development” page click the "Add Elective PD" button and complete the following fields:
  • Activity Name
  • Activity Type – select the type of activity from the provided list
  • Start and End Date using the calendar tool
  • Duration Hours and Minutes
  • Select a minimum of three Elective PD Criteria that the activity addressed by ticking the check boxes
  • Optional: if “Professional Reading” is the activity selected, you will need to write a statement in the comment box about how it impacted your teaching practice and tick the declaration box to declare it met the additional criteria
  • Select the Standard Descriptor/s that apply to the PD (choose from Proficient, Highly Accomplished or Lead Teacher)
  • Write 300-1800 characters in the comment box explaining how the activity addressed the Standard Descriptor/s (a minimum of 300 characters is required)

Save a draft at any time by clicking the "Save Draft" button

When completed click the "Add Elective Activity" button.
Your PD Progress Report will update with this activity.

How can I run reports of professional learning for staff under my supervision?

Select ‘Manage Learning’ from the hamburger menu in the top right hand corner of the MyPL screen.

Click on ‘Customisable Reports’ from the menu structure on the left hand side of the screen.

Select the report you require e.g.  Child Protection Update 2022 created by Admin01

Click Export report to export the report to a spreadsheet

Note: If the report you need is not listed or you require additional information, please email [email protected] and provide the details of what you require

Why can’t I access Customisable Reports?

Only staff who have other staff under supervision have access to ‘Customisable Reports’.

To request access, an email from your Principal (School based Staff) or Director (Non-School based Staff) to [email protected] requesting ‘Delegated Manager’ access is required. Only a Principal/Director can request this access for a staff member.

Is there a ’How to Guide’ for creating Accredited (AC) courses?

No. A How to Guide is currently being developed and will be available soon.

I will be coordinating all MyPL training at my school and need access to be able to schedule sessions. How do I get this access?

Please ask your Principal (School Based Staff) or Director (Non-School based Staff) to email [email protected] requesting ‘Learning Author Access’ for you. Once we receive this email the MyPL team will assign this additional role to you. Only a Principal/Director can request this access for a staff member.

Why can’t I see the Session I just created?

You may not have added yourself as a Session Support Officer. You can request a work colleague who has access to the session to add you or log a support ticket to be added as a Session Support Officer.

Why can’t I transfer participants to another course?

You can transfer a participant to another session of the same course. It is not possible to transfer to a completely different course.

Why can’t I enrol in a course?

  • Registration may have already closed or the session may be full
  • You might not be eligible or meet the pre-requisite/s.
  • There might be restrictions e.g. only for DoE staff.
  • Course has been archived.
  • Session has been cancelled.
  • You do not have a MyPL account.


I manually enrolled attendees into an Event Session but I cannot locate them.

  • Check the Session Waiting List and/or the Event Waiting List – if the attendees are in either of these tabs, click the plus/add icon to add the attendees to your session.
  • Manually enrolling into a session that has 0 (zero) places available will place the attendees in the wait list.
  • You may not have completed the enrolment process – did you click “Finish” to finalise the enrolment?
  • If one or more of your attendees have an open enrolment (“Not Attempted”) in the same course, you will not be able to enrol the attendees until the open enrolment is deleted or marked “Attended” or “Did Not Attend.”

I’m trying to enrol in a course but MyPL says I have already completed it.

If you are enrolling in a recurring event, “Completed” refers to the previous event session you have already attended. Click the course name to view future sessions. The link below explains the process in detail.

How can I get my Anaphylaxis certificate?

The Anaphylaxis and e-Emergency Care courses are now available in MyPL. If you completed the course in MyPL then your certificate is available by clicking your name in the top right hand corner of the screen and then expanding the "Certificates" section.